31 March 2006


The blurb, as per usual, is not going well *grrr*
posted by Kim Knox at 4:34 pm 0 comments

30 March 2006


How cute is this photo? This is an 'action shot' that a company took at Frodo's school. He looks positively angelic. So not him LOL

Writing: I've checked through the galley of Billionaire and sent that back. I'm also about half way through Mackenzie. That should be sent out tonight. Then I have to get back to Bone Magician and also write the blurb for Demon.


Imagine being me? ;-)

And Teebee has made me a cover for Demon
here Go look. *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 5:47 pm 6 comments

29 March 2006

Edits and revisions

Just got the second edits for Mackenzie. They're very light (thank you, Ansley *grin*) and they're done! Yay.

I'm up to Chapter Twenty Two with Bone Magician. So hopefully, I'll be done with that very soon too.
posted by Kim Knox at 10:46 am 0 comments

28 March 2006

Demon has legs *grin*

Samhain took up To Summon a Demon, YAY!

Now I just have the nightmare of the blurb again.

But Conde, the heroine, is so cool. Well, I think so.

The Ent keeps totalling up the contracts. He does it about once a week, now, LOL

"So, that's four?"
"Four contacts, four books. Cool."
posted by Kim Knox at 9:34 am 5 comments

27 March 2006


...of a sort.

I got an email from my Samhain editor saying that she would read Demon over the weekend. This is cool. One, it means that it actually got to her. My email had a fit after I sent it (trying to tell me something ;-0). And two, it means I haven't got to spend every day refreshing my email to see if something new has come in, LOL I do that. A lot.

I'm also only thirty pages for the first run through of Bone Magician. I think the plot and characters are sound and it just needs a bit of sentence tweaking and fragment filling. I think in fragments, LOL My writing is full of it. I can't help myself.

There are also just a few descriptions that need completing/referencing. So I should be able to get it sent before I disappear to the darkest depths of Wales for my hols in about a fortnight.

And nope I am not thinking about the cost of the postage...
posted by Kim Knox at 4:17 pm 0 comments

26 March 2006

Mother's Day

Had a nice Mother's Day - mainly because I was allowed to sleep and try to sweat out of my system the latest of my lurgies. No headache this time. Just a woosy disorientation, LOL

On the plus side - I just had a final rip through To Summon a Demon and sent it off into the big, bad world.

Not that I have any nails, but the one's I do have are in biting reach again ;-)
posted by Kim Knox at 10:38 pm 0 comments

25 March 2006

Writing Courses

I've spent the day at a rewriting/editing course. Did I learn anything?

Well, in the morning there were hints that I could learn something, but the lecturer was very easily distracted onto other topics and in the meander I had to wonder what the point was.

In the afternoon... that's when my headache started. And I've still got it.

We had to read a synopsis, applying the method to which he had briefly alluded in the three hours previous to this. It was his synopsis. For his current novel. And the first chapter.

This went on for another three hours and I felt like I was in his fan club.

So, no, I didn't learn anything.

That's not true. As Impworks mentioned on his blog, I learned that I won't be doing any more Creative Writing courses with Liverpool University.
posted by Kim Knox at 6:58 pm 7 comments

24 March 2006


To Summon A Demon is finished. It came in at a decent 12127.

I've not thought about it and sent it off to Tee-Kruger-Bee for a mauling.

And now that I've stopped being distracted, I can go back to Heiress and Bone Magician.

You just know that something will distract me again next week, don't you?
posted by Kim Knox at 10:12 pm 4 comments


Frodo's eating a banana.

I think that I must point out that he hasn't really eaten any sort of fruit for almost 3 years.

Now he's finished and Samwise has screamed for the end of it. I've just chased him three 3 rooms trying to keep banana off the furniture.

So much for grabbing 10 minutes of writing time. Demon has chugged along today. I have the begining of the scene and know where it has to end. I just have to have the mechanics of the middle... *sigh*
posted by Kim Knox at 5:04 pm 2 comments

23 March 2006

To Summon A Demon

This one is almost done. I'm just in the middle of the usual scene *grin*. This one's a bit more awkward, mainly because of the nature of the heroine. I think I'm going to have to move beyond my comfort zone.

I'm just worried that it won't appear... thruthful... I suppose.

The only choice is to write it and see. Then have Teebee Kruger it. She's already offered. The chance to read a hero of mine that's almost a beta cannot be missed LOL

I'll probably think on it for the rest of the night. Writing time ran out because I got caught up reading fanfic LOL But this was a CSI/Buffy crossover with Grisson/Faith ship.
And the most bizarre thing about? It works!

Yes. I'm sad.*grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 10:42 pm 0 comments

Can we have a celebration?

Well, just a little one.

After languishing for 2 years, my DVD player is working on my laptop. Yay
The Ent has *finally* fixed whatever he did to it in the first place.

I can write and watch DVDs.

I am *so* happy *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 12:24 am 0 comments

22 March 2006

What do you get...

... when you read too much Celtic myth and watch Aliens too many times?

Well, when I do that, I get To Summon a Demon *grin*

Just have to do the... yes, you've guessed it... the sex scene and this one will be finished.
posted by Kim Knox at 4:16 pm 0 comments

Heiress has a prologue

Why is it that when characters are angry at each other the writing just rushes out of my fingertips? LOL Heiress now has a 1k prologue - and it took me about an hour to write.

I obviously need more conflict issues for later in the story. There's just not enough there for them to be sniping at each other till about 48k *grin*

I need a few more unforgiveable sins for them to angst over.

Isn't writing fun?
posted by Kim Knox at 12:37 pm 0 comments

Novel Spot Chat - part deux

Well, I did it.

I was feeling calm, until about 2 minutes before it was my turn, LOL. Then my heart went into overdrive... but I got into the zone *grin* and before I knew it, the half hour was up.

It was cool. Afterwards.
posted by Kim Knox at 8:28 am 0 comments

21 March 2006

Novel Spot Chat

I have my first chat tonight. Eek.

At least it's a huge bunch of Samhain authors and I just have a half hour slot that's officially mine, LOL

And the headache from hell is well and truly back. *sigh*

On the school trudge today (I don't have a car and can't glide serenely up to the school gates...) I realised that Heiress needs a prologue. Which is a bit of a bummer. I've already subbed the partial and if M&B are crazy enough to request the full, LOL, it's going to be a completely different story to the one I first presented them.

I think this plot is much stronger than the first one.

This is the one time when it would be easier for a pub to reject me, LOL
posted by Kim Knox at 6:26 pm 0 comments

20 March 2006

Almost forgot again

Just sneaking in under the wire, LOL

I keep thinking I've done my blog splurge for the day, check, and find out I haven't *grin*

Anyway, Frodo went back to school today. He seemed really happy about it, chuntered on in his own way about what had happened, and sat holding a picture a girl in his class had drawn for him while he was ill.

I got some more written on Heiress while Samwise has one of his nano-naps. He used to sleep for 3 hours in the day and still go to bed at 7. Now I'm lucky if he sleeps for 45 minutes. He's still tired, but refuses to stay in his cot *sigh*

Heiress is still pants by the way. But it seems to be perking up ;-)
posted by Kim Knox at 11:28 pm 0 comments

19 March 2006

Headache from hell

Yes. It's arrived a day early today, so I've done nothing but lie around and try to find positions that my head didn't pound.

So far, none of them worked.
posted by Kim Knox at 6:11 pm 2 comments

18 March 2006


I had a fun time last night on Brenda Williamson's yahoo group, looking at nekkid pictures of men, posting excerpts and chatting. Brenda's a fellow Samhellion who's book's out this week.

I posted an excerpt of Nimue's Price... and was really nervous about it. Billionaire and Mackenzie posted easily, but Nimue had my stomach in knots, LOL. I think because it's the first fantasy story that someone's paid me for *grin* It seemed to go down well, though, so I'm happy.

Anyway, back to Heiress while The Ent, after the rugby it seems, stomps and rants and puts an IKEA bookshelf together. *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 6:55 pm 0 comments

YAY for Heiress Day!

I hacked a chunk out of brain and made 1200 words for Heiress. So pleased about moving on with this story, LOL

Well, it was actually a new chapter four, but they need more problems, hehe. I love being nasty to my characters. *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 1:06 am 0 comments

17 March 2006

Heiress day

Today is 'sorting out Heiress day'... or it would be if it wasn't for two troublesome Hobbits ;-)
posted by Kim Knox at 12:26 pm 0 comments

16 March 2006

Frodo is getting better

How do I know this? Because he's been a horror today, LOL

Even with Grandma Gandalf here this afternoon, I got nothing done. I spent most of the day as a UN Peacekeeper, forcing two small Hobbits to respect each other's boundaries ;-) Frodo went to his room seven times.

I gave up trying to concentrate on Bone Magician, but I did manage to read through about 20 more pages of Heiress. And if I do get a request for a full the whole thing has to be rewritten, LOL. Infact, once Bone Magician is out the door, I'm doing just that. I've had two sets of first edits on my books and that has shone a bright light on where I'm going wrong. With Heiress, I'm getting retina burns.

I think I'll be very lucky to get a request on this one, LOL
posted by Kim Knox at 6:26 pm 0 comments

15 March 2006

Slapped Cheek

... that's what Frodo's got, apparently. His fever broke last night... sort of. He's got that red, slapped cheek look again this morning after he'd been to the doctors. He had a fun time there making lightsabers out of megablocks and not looking like an ill child at all.

So he's off for the rest of the week.

On the writing front, I've been promised seconds edits on Mackenzie at the end of the week and also some amendments to my excerpt. Copy edits could be coming soon for Billionaire. And I still have to run through the final polish for The Bone Magician's Daughter...

I just knew March would be manic, LOL
posted by Kim Knox at 10:52 am 0 comments

14 March 2006

Nimue's Price is official

I got my contract in the post this morning for Nimue's Price. Yay. And 5 Samhain pens. Almost as precious as the contract itself ;-)

I've also just sent off the info for the Enchanted Ramblings Teaser Booklet. That should have been done yesterday, but see the previous post about the Monday monster headache from hell.

Frodo is also still off school today. He's eating and drinking, put still feeling a bit sorry for himself. His face looks red and puffy, so a trip to the doctor's could be in order.

Samwise is his normal hyperactive screeching self, however.
posted by Kim Knox at 10:00 am 1 comments

13 March 2006

Monday night is headache night

I've had a pounding, thumping headache since 1 o'clock this afternoon. Nothing is shifting it. And this is happening every Monday now. It's becoming annoying.

I had to pick Frodo up from school early today. I had a phonecall at 11 saying he was looking tired and wasn't himself. I said he'd had a big weekend and so he stayed at school. 2.30 another call and he'd fallen asleep on his desk. So Samwise and I headed out to pick him up. It's 9 o'oclock and he's been asleep since we got in almost 6 hours ago.

We'll see how he is tomorrow.

Off to watch Mysterious Island and not think about my headache.

Needless to say, no writing done today *sigh*
posted by Kim Knox at 8:57 pm 6 comments

12 March 2006

Snow, snow, snow

Yesterday's post was so short because I was literally running out the door.

We had to get to Blackburn for 11am and meet up with The Ent's brother. Pippin has just turned 5 and to celebrate we'd all been invited to a birthday party. Well, except Samwise. Apparently the under 2s aren't insured by Darwen council to eat chicken nuggets... Don't ask.

Anyway, Samwise was more than happy to stay in The Ent's brother's house and shout at the guinea pig. A fun day, apparently, was had by all Hobbits. This is just a report, as I was in the house with Samwise trying to stop him shouting at the guinea pig.

And today was supposed to be the farm trip.

Huge snowdrifts stopped that idea.

Instead, the Hobbits built a snowman and blasted each other, and everyone else, with snowballs. It was Samwise's first time playing in snow. Photos of him look mainly shocked, LOL

So we're home, the Hobbits are asleep, and The Ent is Texas Chainsaw Massacring another poor tune on the piano. I've asked him to shout out the title before he starts, so it won't bug me trying to work out what the hell it is. But he forgets. *sigh*

I'm off to the front room. The heating was off most of the day because we weren't in, so this pile of a house has only had heat for 3 hours. My fingers are blue!

On a writing note. My Author Bio on Samhain is
here which is cool *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 9:06 pm 4 comments

11 March 2006

And now a short post.

The Hobbits are off to a birthday party... Eek!
posted by Kim Knox at 9:40 am 2 comments

10 March 2006

Short story is done! And it has a title: The Pact

'The Pact' is finished. Yay. All 1374 words of it.

And thank you to Teebee, who probably hates this story now, LOL. We struggled for about 3 hours to get one line. I think it was worth it *grin*. And the title was another problem. But I went with a simple one.

This story had the last line as its working title. That didn't really work. Some titles are there from the start.Others I have to grub around for. This one was definitely a grubber!

So... back to The Bone Magician's Daughter...
posted by Kim Knox at 10:19 am 3 comments

09 March 2006

I missed a day... Argh!

Yesterday was sort of a blur.

I spent most of the daylight hours struggling with the joys of html and Yahoo Groups. But I got it sorted and I can finally do what I want to do to. YAY. In between that, I had to wrestle and generally tickle Samwise and convince him that Nick Jr wasn't on, that only Cbeebies worked now. I hate Nick Jr. Adverts galore... and I won't even start on The Backyardigans... *shudder*

And last night I went out for a meal with the Uruk-hai. Otherwise known as the mothers of Frodo's schoolmates. You don't mess with the Uruk-hai *grin*

Far too much food was consumed and I came home feeling stuffed and sick. I actually feel hungover today, even though I only had one beer and one glass of wine. And no it wasn't a pint of each.

So today is catch up day. I know where I'm going on shadows. I actually got a bit written while Samwise shovelled soup for his lunch yesterday. I need to finish that and get back to Bone Magician while I have the chance. Grandma Gandalf is making an appearance this afternoon, so that'll help.

Samwise wants 'smilk'... and so it starts again.
posted by Kim Knox at 9:33 am 0 comments

07 March 2006


They attacked the monastery under the cover of early morning mists. But Holy Island held more than a few cowering monks and a hoarde of gold plate.

It was also home to the Shadows...


I got the outline for this short story sorted while I waited for my course on Ancient Egyptian Weapons and Warfare to start. *grin* Now I just have to write the rest of it. And I'm going to have to start a story about the city of Qadesh, mainly because of this course. How many times can a bunch of Pharoahs and Hittite kings fight over one town? Answer: A lot!

It will also justify my course fee to the tax man *grin*. The course has probably already done that, though. I've discovered weapons galore and also the meaning of being poleaxed, LOL

Time to dig out my notes.
posted by Kim Knox at 5:52 pm 1 comments

06 March 2006

Nimue's Price

Okay, here's the blurb that I drew blood over:

Nimue enters the shining city of Camelot with her order plain.

Seduce Merlin. Or lose her family.

She knows his magic, how he can slip under a woman’s skin and work his charm.
It’s there in the shine of his dark eyes; eyes that see through to her soul.

And Merlin knows what she is.

In the searing light beneath the Round Room, he discovers that the Lady Nimue is the same as him: a Seer. Now he must resist their attraction to save his own sanity. However, a new enemy threatens Camelot with a weapon so destructive that it forces him to join with her and reach into the far future to save Camelot.

Merlin has always known that knowledge has a high price. But will Nimue we willing to pay hers…?

Would you buy this book? ;-)

posted by Kim Knox at 8:41 am 10 comments

05 March 2006

Edits away!

I sent the edits back this afternoon. Big relief that the first part is done *grin*

Now I'm torn between a short story for Enchanted Ramblings, due in 15 March and working on Bone Magician.

I'm in post-story tiredness - even though Mackenzie was only editing, LOL.
So I think that decision is going to be made tomorrow.

I do only have this week to finish the short story, really. The Hobbits cousins have a party next week and a day spent at a petting zoo-cum-farm. That'll take up all of next weekend.

I have an idea. Whether it'll fly is another matter *sigh*
posted by Kim Knox at 10:03 pm 4 comments

04 March 2006

I have slain the beast!

Yup. The first round of edits are done, finished, over. Did I mention done?

Hopefully the changing points of view will stay at the end. I think it needs it. I'll let the beast brew over night (am I mixing my metaphors, I don't care BWHAHAHA) and then have a final check tomorrow to make certain I haven't missed anything.

Then I can get back to hacking apart Bone Magician.

Btw... I am supposed to cry along with my H, LOL
posted by Kim Knox at 10:37 pm 0 comments

Edits: 260 - 260 done

...well, sort of.

I've been through the whole thing and taken out/changed the easy stuff. And I have to make a public apology to my editor for the amount of ellipses in the story. I had no idea there were so many, LOL

I have about 20 points that I've got to think about. I could have this finished by tomorrow. YAY.

I also sent of the art cover form and blurb for Nimue's Price. I have a difficult time thinking what I want for a cover. I see the story in my head as more of a set of moving images rolling through my head like a film. Picking out one image is hard. Nothing jumps out. Hopefully they can use some of the suggestions. And I'm not even discussing the nightmare that was the blurb. All I am going to say is it took me over a fortnight to write less than 150 words. Argh!

Back to the Editing Cave
posted by Kim Knox at 10:36 am 0 comments

03 March 2006

Edits: 260 - 55 done

I was doing okay on my edits, then I had to go and get Frodo from school. I suppose it gave my wrist a rest. I have a laptop and no separate mouse, so mu hands starts to cramp after a while, LOL

And now, after having tea with the Hobbits I can't keep my eyes open.

Hopefully, I'll have these edits done by the weekend. My blurb and art cover form are still waiting for Nimue's Price. I know the style I want, but I can't decide on a scene. And the blurb for this one is killing me, LOL
posted by Kim Knox at 5:35 pm 0 comments

02 March 2006

Waiting for Gandalf

I have a tonne of work to do today before I have to run out and pick Frodo up from school at 3 o'clock.

Just waiting on Grandma Gandalf to look after Samwise for the afternoon. *drumming fingers* LOL
posted by Kim Knox at 11:22 am 0 comments

01 March 2006

Amber Quill contest - part deux

All right... I didn't make the final cut.

But I did get an offer to revise and resub! YAY!

It's going to have to be a few months off as I have way too much to do at the minute, LOL. They're okay with that, so that's fine. Double YAY!
posted by Kim Knox at 6:28 pm 2 comments

Amber Quill contest

I didn't make the cut on the Amber Quill contest... but then I never really expected too.

I think my writing voice is intense and sexy, LOL, not erotic. But The Third Proposal is a good little story. I'm sure it'll find a home soon *grin*

And yesterday I got the edits for Buying Mackenzie's Baby. YAY. It's a good time as I'm hacking through The Bone Magician's Daughter. Editing The Billionaire's Seduction was an eye-opener in how I write. I think Mackenzie, from the quick scan through the comments that I did yesterday, is highlighting the same problems again.

This is cool. I now know where I'm going wrong.
And can apply that to future work.
posted by Kim Knox at 10:38 am 2 comments