31 January 2006

Cover Art Forms

I just got a request to complete the cover art forms for The Billionaire's Seduction.
Cool. It feels a lot more real now.

And still nothing on Merlin. I vegged and it's possible that Frodo has croup... I never know how to spell the bloody word and he has it often enough! So writing could be out tomorrow too.
posted by Kim Knox at 11:13 pm 1 comments

Exhaustion day

Yesterday was an Exhaustion Day. I got nothing done. Samwise was on a vomit-a-thon... the first hint of a cough had him throwing up. It wasn't pleasant. And I was just a damp dishrag.

So today I did manage to crawl out to my Anicient Egyptian Warfare and Weapons course. Luckily, there's an ex-Major and a tactics/weapons bloke in the group. They're filling in the gaps left by the tutor... which is usually the detailed interesting stuff. Ho hum.

I will try to get back to Merlin tonight. I was sketching out what needs to happen while I waited for the class to begin. I'm sure they'll start to wonder what I'm doing, as I write nothing when the class is in progress, LOL However, the new Stargate is on... and more inportantly Series 6 CSI. And apparently Grissom still has the beard...
posted by Kim Knox at 5:09 pm 0 comments

29 January 2006


Okay. The Doubt Demons are starting to surface. This story is way, way, way beyond what a Authurian tale normally is. And because of this, is it complete pants?

I'm hitting all the marks for the various myths. A surprising amount actually, LOL. They're just twisted into a story that even makes me go: "What the f-?"

Write it and see. That's all I can do. And if Teebee's nice to me (hi, Teebee!) then she can do an excellent Freddie Kruger on it *grin* Then it might make better sense.

But we'll see.
posted by Kim Knox at 8:52 pm 7 comments


Plot Bunny meets my Subconscious head on...

Well, it's... erm... interesting.
posted by Kim Knox at 4:44 pm 0 comments

Attack of the Plot Bunnies...

A plot bunny just jumped out and bit me. Bugger.

My plot was sorted. Morgan had done what she had done. Nimue could sort it. But no. Attack of the Plot Bunny. Now I have to sort this bit out. Should be more interesting though. Especially since Merlin is insane and currently hiding in a bush, LOL

Back to the wip
posted by Kim Knox at 12:51 pm 0 comments


Yesterday, with two small hobbits and The Ent running rampage, I got little done.

Merlin has slipped over my self-imposed deadline. There're about 2 scenes left, possibly 3. And then I remembered that in the centre of the story I wrote *insert sex scene here*. Bum.

When I've finished writing a sex scene, it's fine. Well, more than fine. The editor for The Billionaire's Seduction called the new bath scene delicious (thank you, Linda, hehe). It's getting into it in the first place... Ho hum.

That's the scene, not the bath, btw...

So the plan for today is to try and get the story finished, then go back and write sex *grin*

I have time as The Ent has taken Frodo and Samwise to the park. Unfortunately, those gits at Sky One are about to put Stargate's Divide and Conquer on. As I said, complete gits.

Off to sit in front of the teleivision with my laptop and try to get into Nimue's head.

*phew* It's Crossroads. So I'm staying right here. Besides one scene about 'sparkage', it's dull.
posted by Kim Knox at 11:57 am 0 comments

27 January 2006

Blogs in Space...

I put my blog into space. As you do...

I was messing about on BlogExplosion and sifting through the enormity of blogs and found one that would send your ramblings into space to annoy local aliens. Good a reason as any, I thought. The link's over on the right. *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 7:15 pm 2 comments

26 January 2006

Ho hum

Exploding just got rejected by Luna.

There was a paragraph of feed back - but it's not really concrete enough to work on.
I'm feeling oddly numb about it. The ms is still out with two other pubs... So we'll see
posted by Kim Knox at 12:01 pm 4 comments

25 January 2006

Happy Burns Night

The tatties are on. The haggis is waiting. There're are no no neeps as I can't stand them... Yeuk! Green beans and peas instead. I'm sure old Rabbie is spinning, LOL

No writing today. Just a day of phoning Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists - who are always the most difficult to contact - and organising a day of activities for Frodo in the February half term.

And Treebeard - who know doesn't want to be known as Treebeard anymore... he just wants to be The Ent - has said that he'll sort out my FTP.
Oh look. What's that flying over the broad canopy of leaves?

Hoom Hom.
posted by Kim Knox at 5:08 pm 7 comments

24 January 2006

Himself the Elf

Thanks for the kind words about The Apprentice *grin*. Just wanted to reply here, because the machine ate your comment, LOL Don't ask me how, I have no idea...

Found it in my emails *grin*

Kim, The Apprentice was a wonderful tale. You should consider revisiting and adding
to it. It has the beginnings of a full length, and a darned good one at that!
Posted by Himself the Elf to I really should be writing... at 1/18/2006 10:10:15

Yup - It turned out to be a prologue. That was completely unexpected. The way my writing is going - it will probably be the next novel after Alchemy. But as yet, I have no idea what it'll be about, LOL
posted by Kim Knox at 5:17 pm 4 comments

Over the hump

I got over the writing hump this morning. Which is cool - cos it was bugging me that I couldn't move the scene forward. I'm almost at the end and that is just not fair, LOL. But it's sorted. And I tied up one problem I was having into the theme. Which is double cool. *grin*

Exploding went down well, I think. It was met with a sort of stunned silence on one half of the room. And, of course, next week no one will be sitting next to me.

Which reminds me. I bottled out of phoning NY. I'm going to wait until the end of the month. It's been in their office a fair amount of time. It can wait that bit longer.

I also realised today that if Treebeard hates the Hero from Exploding, he's going to despise the Hero from Alchemy.

Tough. *insert evil cackling here*

Anyway, back to Nimue and her revenge...
posted by Kim Knox at 11:08 am 2 comments

23 January 2006

Today, I've done my Blog name proud

I want to get Merlin's Price finished. I do. Honest.

So what have I spent the morning doing? Besides trying to convince a very tired Samwise that he does need to go to sleep. I've been Blog-Dogging. My word. Just invented it right now. Probably *grin*

I will now stop racing through blogs. Sniffing bits here, giving others a test lick.
All right. That's probably too much dog metaphor.
I have new ideas what to do with mine. Which is good.
I can see why Blogs are addictive, though.

So much easier to mess about with, update, and generally have fun with, than a static website. Well, it would be if I could arm-twist the pass word for the Web FTB out of Treebeard.

I'm now on the hunt for banner software. They seem to be another key weapon in the battle to self advertise.

It's... 13:00... so I'll probably get in some reading for the course tonight. Some overly long, short stories. Hmmm

I sent the first 2 pages of Exploding... That'll be fun. *WEG*
posted by Kim Knox at 12:53 pm 2 comments

22 January 2006

The End is in sight. YAY

I can see the end of Merlin's Price. *triple hurrah*

It could be finished by next week. Send it out to be shredded. Write it and then sub.

Hopefully, it'll be out for consideration first week in February. Which would then cover my goal for subbing something in Feb. Yay.

Then I have to think about the Vow writing challenge for Deep-Magic. And then I really really can't put off writing Reluctant, LOL
posted by Kim Knox at 5:48 pm 0 comments

21 January 2006

Flash, Bang, Wallop

Hand grenades, chemical weapons and guided missiles...

I know my Merlin is insane... but does he have to drag me along with him?

This is part of big final battle scene for Merlin's Price. I think it might be getting a bit out of hand, don't you? Especially for 5th century Cheshire, LOL

And I have to get Treebeard to sort out my FTP uploading of piccies. I'm going into withdrawal.

Anyway, back to the battle plan.
posted by Kim Knox at 7:27 pm 0 comments

20 January 2006

Things to worry about...

Should Grandma Gandalf be teaching 21 month old Samwise to sing Patsy Cline songs?

And Treebeard has taken it upon himself to torture song after song, night after night. At some point, I am going to burn that piano from Grandma Saruman to ashes.

Back to Merlin and Nimue, half way up a hill and waiting for all hell to break loose...
posted by Kim Knox at 9:20 pm 0 comments

19 January 2006

Merlin's Price

I've finally muscled my way back into writing Merlin. YAY.

Now, I'm sure there's a crow bar lying around here somehere that'll get me back into Reluctant.

Btw, go look at Feath's Bookcase - the link's on the right under Writing Ideas. There's some good stuff for generating ideas. I found the Throne Room for Alchemy after about the third image on the picture page. And thinking about it, the Inn for the middle of the story. Very cool
posted by Kim Knox at 2:05 pm 0 comments

18 January 2006

New York Part Deux Deux

I realised last night that she was insisting on the wrong international code when she took my phone number. Bum. She was also having trouble with the concept of 'co.uk.' And email addresses.

If no one has contacted me by Monday, then I'll have to try again.
posted by Kim Knox at 8:17 am 0 comments

17 January 2006

New York Part Deux

I phoned... I even got through...

But ten minutes later I'm still talking to the girl on the front desk.

She took my name and email. She'll be getting back to me.
posted by Kim Knox at 4:21 pm 0 comments

New York

Not thinking about it.

I'm not.


*biting nails*
posted by Kim Knox at 2:16 pm 0 comments

16 January 2006

The Rewards of Courage

So I finally build up the courage to ring.

I have the international code, the dates of the sub - when I sent it and when they received it from the acknowledgement postcard. Even what I'd say initially.

Frodo and Samwise are distracted by Cbeebies.
Me upstairs with the phone, the pad and a pen.

All ready.

It rings. They answer...
...but it's a recording.
The office is shut because it's Martin Luther King day.

So I have to build up the courage again for tomorrow. *sigh*
posted by Kim Knox at 5:37 pm 2 comments


Yesterday, I disappeared due to post story pick axe to the head. For about 10 hours.

My body went into full rebellion. It didn't help that Treebeard had disappeared again to help Grandma Saruman with the house move and her 20 years of hording.

Anyway, gripe over. I did get Reluctant read through. Which is something, I suppose *wink*
posted by Kim Knox at 8:08 am 0 comments

14 January 2006

The story is out

YAY. The Third Proposal is out.

Not that Word wanted me to save any changes on the very last read through. *grrrr*

But it's gone.

And now I wait for 1 March...
posted by Kim Knox at 12:15 pm 0 comments

13 January 2006

The Third Proposal

That's the title I've come up with for the Amber Quill entry.

And it's finished. All 6,585 words of it. God, it feels longer. But I'm bouncy, cos I got to type 'The End' - which would take it to 6,587 words.

Teebee's looking at it right now. But I have a full clear day to edit, polish, scream etc.

posted by Kim Knox at 6:54 pm 0 comments

12 January 2006


Treebeard has too many FTP up load... thingies. Some work and I can't access the one that he raves over. Piccies will make an appearance here, soon, LOL. But today we got distracted by a piano... as you do.

I still have no title for the Amber Quill entry. And it's beginning to bug. But 4,400 words. I'm on target to finish and sub. Fingers crossed.

I was just surfing *refer to name of Blog...* and about to offer my two penneth (sp?) on someone's writing problem... when I stopped. It hit me how reluctant I am to offer advice. I want to. But I never know how I see a problem is the way that it could, or should, be solved.

I think it comes down to the problem I have with analysing what I write. I feel my way through a story, never really consciously constructing them. It's annoying. I see others shifting and slotting plot points (whatever mysterious animals they are) into place. Somehow, they are able to see the structure behind what they've written.

I can't see squat, LOL

It's why I try to work so hard at creating a plot that works.

Anyway, back to *un-named* before the muse dwells on the above and runs for the hills, LOL
posted by Kim Knox at 6:45 pm 0 comments

11 January 2006

Buying Mackenzie's Baby

The first advert for Buying Mackenzie's Baby goes into Enchanted R at the weekend. Something else I did when I couldn't sleep last night.

I'm trying to add a very nice piccie of what I think Mack should look like... but my ftp isn't playing. I'll try later when Treebeard's back ;-)
posted by Kim Knox at 10:49 am 0 comments

And a little more...

The joy of insomnia got a little more written on the current story. YAY.

More importantly yesterday, Frodo did his first poo in a toilet *grin* Is this a fitting subject for a Blog? I don't care. Frodo has a global development delay and any achievement has to celebrated... often with balloons and a cake, LOL

It had a very satisfying splash. He was grinning about it, anyway!
posted by Kim Knox at 10:17 am 0 comments

10 January 2006


I got almost 1000 words written yesterday for the still untitled contest story. Which was very cool. It's been read by a different pair of eyes than my own and found not to be completely dire, LOL

My hero had a Mr Rochester moment there for a minute... which was a bit worrying. TV and film adaptions have him as cool, brooding... but my H was going for the book. Which was melodrama. I always have the image of Mr Rochester throwing himself onto a couch and howling and crying.

Never saw Timothy Dalton (my fav Mr Rochester) or William Hurt (least favourite Mr Rochester) doing that really. Orson Welles was out too.

Anyway, I'm procrastinating again. There's a surprise.
Back to the WiP
posted by Kim Knox at 10:31 am 0 comments

09 January 2006

I think I've worked it out now

I might have finally gotten a handle on this short story. Big relief. Huge. Massive.

I spent most of last night chatting to a friend, trying to work out why I couldn't write it. I think it turned out it was too dark and there was no spark between the two major characters. I don't think the people in the story are 'alive' yet. I can't really feel their voices.

I've got until Sunday to get it done and subbed. Eek. Hopefully, I'll crack on in a minute. Samwise, after much complaint has gone for his sleep... so I have an hour. Fingers crossed.

On the plus side, got an email saying The Apprentice has been accepted for Enchanted. So that's cool *grin*

I also want to add a short history to the website, to show what the process was when I wrote each story. Probably the link will be 'What was I thinking?' My Little Warrior, needs it. So I may as well do it for the rest, LOL

Off to the gritty darkness that is my Voice.
posted by Kim Knox at 10:17 am 0 comments

07 January 2006


Samhain publishing send me a birthday card. Isn't that really nice of them? *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 8:33 am 0 comments

06 January 2006


Who would have thought that having two boys under 5 would exhaust you... *yawn*
posted by Kim Knox at 9:30 am 0 comments

05 January 2006

Straing at a blank screen

Not much to say today. I *must* get down to writing Marriage, LOL I have the feel of the thing now - so if I write it the next couple of days - I can polish next week.

The only trouble is Treebeard is off to help Grandma Saruman move house. Well the sorting stage of moving. I have a weekend with just me, Frodo and Samwise. Joy.
posted by Kim Knox at 3:19 pm 0 comments

04 January 2006

Smeagol read my blog

Smeagol was not happy. He didn't want to be Smeagol and even the thought of being Gollum made him break out in a rash... but he doesn't want to be Aragorn, either.

So we've come to an agreement. Due to the inordinately long time it's taken to get the website up and... sort of... running, he's become an Ent. Hum Hom. Treebeard to be exact.

Anyway, Treebeard finished my website last night as a birthday present. I had a rush of 'oh God, I'm old' around midnight... but that's settled happily into the fog of denial that surrounds me and my age ;-)

Look to your left for the link.

And yesterday, I think I sorted what I can do about the short story, Marriage. Bluebeard, Arabian nights, Iago, Othello and a whisper of Angela Carter have all been thrown into the mix. This has to be written in 10 days. Then I *have* to attack Reluctant, before the story comes out an throttles me.
posted by Kim Knox at 11:23 am 0 comments

03 January 2006

Teetering on the edge of a website

I *almost* have a website. Finally. Hopefully, the thing doesn't fall down immeditately, LOL

And because of the delay Aragorn is officially renamed Smeagol. Any more delay and he'll go the full Gollum.

He has been warned...
posted by Kim Knox at 11:33 am 0 comments

02 January 2006


The story for the Amber Quill contest is driving me insane. I have the characters. I have a plot and a setting, motivation... maybe even a theme ;-) But it isn't geling.

So I ditched it and read a Writer's Ideas book.

Marriage is a story I've had knocking about for a while. I've written bits, come back to it, played about... but I've left it alone for a while. Last night, I came to the realisation of how much my writing has changed. For the better. Honest. *grin*

I realised that I was too far away from the characters. I wasn't in the main character's skin. And the hero just wasn't... there. Not really. Then I thought about throwing in Bluebeard and a smidgen of the Araban Nights. The plot will change completely.

It'll be a *way* better story. Yay.
posted by Kim Knox at 11:02 am 0 comments

01 January 2006

New Year Resolutions

My New Year Resolution is... to make more of an effort, LOL

So here I am. Everything sort of slid away in December. That was mainly to do with Frodo and his assessments. And then Christmas appeared and I had to decorate the house in a week. Joy.

But I have my list again.

Complete a story, Marriage, for an Amber Quill contest
Finish the nightmare that is Reluctant.
Finish Merlin
Research and finish Alchemy.

Unbelievably, that could take me to August. Eek.

The first round of edits are done for Billionaire. YAY. Waiting on the ones for Buying.

I also have to start thinking about promoting these books... The website, I have been promised, faithfully, by Aragorn should be up tonight (long awaited triple YAY!) Will have to research that inbetween all this writing, LOL

I also subbed another story to ER - The Apprentice.

Oh and my other New Year's Resoltion is to get into print. Apparently, making these resolutions under a new moon means they'll come true.

And that gives me a third resolution: winning the lottery. *grin*

Back to pulling teeth... sorry... writing Marriage.
posted by Kim Knox at 2:56 pm 0 comments