30 April 2006

Bone Magician

The edits for Mackenzie are out and I should have them back next week. So from now until then it's full steam on The Bone Magician's Daughter. I want this sub out in May. As of this moment, Ii'm waiting only on The Winter Prophecy.

And that is so wrong... *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 4:17 pm 0 comments

29 April 2006

A happy rejection

A partial got rejected this morning.

And I'm quite happy about it. I've stopped wanting to write for the line for a few months and was debating what to do if they asked me for a full.

Well, apparently it wasn't what they wanted, LOL. I think my subconscious had been at work and knew long before I did that I had written all I would in that particular sub-genre.

They'd said in my last rejection that I had too much plot and too many secondary characters so for this sub I pared that all away. And it killed me, LOL. I think I'll rewrite the story the way I want to and offer it up elsewhere.

I think everyone deserves to get to know Zachary Quinn *WEG*
posted by Kim Knox at 6:41 pm 2 comments

28 April 2006

Thank you

... Mark, HTE and SharonJ for wishing Samwise well.

He, so far *touching all the wood I can find* hasn't thrown up tonight. He still has a bit of a phelgm-y cough but is holding his food down. He goes through this about every two months. He has a kidney problem, but the doctors won't have it that it's related LOL

And Mark knows, from first hand experience how deadly my 2 year old is when he *has* to throw up. Did you burn that carpet in the end?

I'm also practically done with my first new round of Mackenzie edits. Which is cool.

I also have fab review of Billionaire in my ER Guestbook. It's by Autiolalo:

I liked heroine Emily from the moment we first meet her. She’s a woman who’s uncertain, who doesn’t realise the power of her own looks and personality. The outfit she’s wearing, her make-up and hairstyle – they’re not really her, she’s putting on an act – something that so many women do in the everyday lives. The reader can really identify with her straight away, and her motivation – to help her brother – makes it clear she’s not mercenary.

The first chapter has almost a staccato feel to the prose, which underlines Emily’s nervousness and panic when she meets her boss, the sleazy Anton, and then the man she’s there to seduce – the very sexy Jake Penvenhan. There’s so much sexual tension and build-up between Emily and Jake in the first couple of chapters, I really felt sorry for poor Emily! Jake can take care of himself (LOL), especially as he doesn’t trust her at all and thinks she’s a corporate spy for his stepbrother Anton.

With more twists and turns than a twisty-turny thing, the plot pits Emily against her family’s enemies and sets her at odds with Jake, even though their romance continues to build. I really felt for Emily in her confusion and desire to do the right thing on behalf of her father and brother.

Kim has a real talent with romance writing. I used to be a complete Mills & Boon addict a few years ago, I’d raid the library and on rainy days I’d read about five M&B books a day! So I love a good romance - and Kim, you really know how to write them.

Romance novel critics like to say that there’s a formula for writing in this genre, and while that’s true to an extent of *any* genre fiction, there needs to be passion, too. Especially in romances, the reader will know immediately if the writer’s heart isn’t fully engaged with her characters. That’s not the case here: Kim writes with real passion, verve, attention and humour (another good quality in a romance!). Looking forwards to your next one, Kim!

Now I know at least one person bought it, LOL
posted by Kim Knox at 8:42 pm 3 comments

27 April 2006

Better late than never

Samwise is in one of his cough/vomit cycles... not very nice, but there you go, LOL

So nothing much done tonight.
posted by Kim Knox at 11:29 pm 3 comments

26 April 2006


I discovered today that Samwise is truly English as he made, all by himself, his first cucumber sandwich... *snort* He seemed to really like it too, LOL

We had a meeting with an Occupational Therapist today to assess Frodo. We'll be seeing her for the next four weeks as she tries to work on his concentration and gross motor skills, to improve his fine motor. So that'll be good. Anything that makes him concentrate for more than a few seconds is great, LOL

Writing: I'm taking the 'that's out of Mazkenzie - which is a long and painful process. Is 'that' used more by the British? I'm finding myself leaving a lot in as it doesn't sound right to me. Ho hum.

Back to watching Shrek - Samwise's choice of the past few days...
posted by Kim Knox at 2:15 pm 4 comments

25 April 2006

Mackenzie - part deux

Still ploughing my way though the ms. Tiny edits are hard, LOL

On the plus side, the Health Visitor came out today to see Samwise because he's two. He got a Bookstart bookbag - which he now loves and drags with him everywhere. Inside were books, crayons, stickers, number charts... and the little monster was as good as gold while she was there, LOL

He was fairly monosyllabic for him too. But she seemed stunned by his command and breadth of language. Maybe not many two year olds use 'either' in the right context, tagged onto an 8 word sentence, LOL

If I had a mixing machine I'd mush Frodo and Samwise together and come out with two nicely average boys... *sigh*
posted by Kim Knox at 8:47 pm 2 comments

24 April 2006


I am slowly but surely working my way through Mackenzie

I have a helpful little booklet... I never realised I used 'so' quite that much LOL
posted by Kim Knox at 8:25 pm 2 comments

23 April 2006

The Winter Prophecy...

...has been sent out.

Now I just have to wait till the end of May. *biting nails*

I've got the start of my Mackenzie edits to keep me busy though. Nice timing. Just as I finished the much dreaded blurb, up it popped *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 11:17 pm 0 comments

I pinched this from Impworks

You scored as The Spymaster. You are Jack Bristow from Alias. You have been in the spy game for quite some time and very little surprises you. You can do field work when the need arises, but you now tend to run operations where you can put your fearsome experience to best use.
posted by Kim Knox at 10:32 am 1 comments

22 April 2006

Tired and trying to work

I need to get The Winter Prophecy sorted and packaged by 30 April. I had an 'a-ha' moment yesterday while writing the necessary 2k for the proposal, but other than that the characters aren't jumping out at me yet. I haven't got a feel for who they are.

And I'm having a name problem.


Back to the typeface...
posted by Kim Knox at 9:37 pm 0 comments

21 April 2006

I'm a Daughter of Circe

We started a Yahoo group. Yes. The world needs another one. Especially when it's ours *grin*

Circe was a Sorcerer, demi-god and turned men into beasts. An all round good egg, then ;-) And a very caring mum *grin* Men are welcome. Just remember, don't drink anything while you're there...

Our Group, Jennie Andrus, Piper Evyns, me and Tee Brown, will be organising treasure hunts, author days - known at the minute as Thwapp Thursdays - and being generally chatty about our own work and others that we love.

The link is in the nav bar.
posted by Kim Knox at 10:21 pm 0 comments

Almost forgot again

I amost forgot to blog. Eek

I have a chat tonight on Ecataromance and I was trying to get some sleep. It'll be 1am here and I wanted to give a semblence of being bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Unfortunately I got distracted by Bones and then Boston Legal... Damn Alan Shore! *grin*

Just hope I can keep up!
posted by Kim Knox at 12:05 am 3 comments

19 April 2006

As threatened...

...to some people, pics from my hols. I made the disastrous decision to buy a digitial camera (it's the size of a wafer thin mint). It's disastrous as I took almost 200 pictures. Which is slightly insane, LOL I'm not putting them all up, don't panic. Just the edited highlights *grin*

The first photo is the infamous Samwise.

(just thought I'd mention - Frodo and Samwise aren't their real names. As if I'd name my children after fictional characters... *whistles*)

The Castle is Harlech... or as Samwise would insist "Dalek Castle"

Way too much Dr Who for a 2 year old
posted by Kim Knox at 5:14 pm 0 comments

18 April 2006

And so is this...

... The Pact

It's in issue #4 of Enchanted Ramblings... page 38, I believe ;-)
posted by Kim Knox at 10:58 am 2 comments

17 April 2006

It's here!

well... here to be exact.

And I have another ISBN for my growing collection. *grin*

Edit: Blogger won't let me but in the full link *grr*

So the above link will take you to the publisher's New Releases page. Billionaire is in the bottom left hand corner *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 10:23 pm 1 comments

Where universes collide...

...yes, you guessed it. The Winter Prophecy is going to be one of those stories that I have to write, ie, tonnes of research. Why does science keep pulling me in, LOL? I have degrees in Art and English and I'm so not equiped for Quantum Mechanics.

It will make for a very interesting take on the festival of Samhain though *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 5:08 pm 0 comments


Just had a weird doubling up on posts there.

I'm being interviewed this week on Bryn Colvin's Yahoo Group and of course my laptop is going fritzy. My computer is so not loving me today *sigh*

I am getting an idea of what The Winter Prophecy is about though. So that is very cool *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 2:47 pm 0 comments

Holiday after effects

I thought a holiday was supposed to refresh and rejuvenate you? I think this one just wiped my memory clean... Thank you Jenn for reminding me about the Samhain proposal!

It feels like I've been away for months, LOL, not just a short week. And as to replenishing the writing well (or whatever it's supposed to be ;-) ) I have even less clue than I did before! *grin*

Today, I'm going to sort out what The Winter Prophecy is about. And tomorrow it's Bone Magician.

That Coris Sword won't be there forever ;-)
posted by Kim Knox at 11:10 am 0 comments

16 April 2006

Your Brain's Pattern

You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy.
You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts.
People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused.
But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination.
What Pattern Is Your Brain?
posted by Kim Knox at 8:58 pm 0 comments

Happy Birthday Samwise

...who is a massive 2 years old today *grin*

He's in bed now, after his Peppa Pig/Scooby Doo fest of a birthday. He woke up earlier, crying because his birthday was over. The Ent promised him that his presents will still be there in the morning. As will the Peppa Pig DVD - and his present for Frodo: the Star Wars Trilogy LOL

We've had that on all day - with neither of them paying attention, but going ballistic if I even attempted to turn the TV off. *sigh*

And I caught the end of Return of the Jedi. *shakes fist at Mr Lucas* ...that annoyed me... almost into a Spaced/Simon-Pegg-taking-all-my-Star-Wars-stuff-into-the-garden-and-burning-it moment. Not that I have much Star Wars stuff. Honest...
posted by Kim Knox at 8:40 pm 0 comments

I'm back... well sort of... *grin*

We made it back from Wales in one piece. Yay!

Frodo burst into floods of tears as we pulled up outside our house. He wanted to go back to the holiday house, LOL. Samwise toddled in and rediscovered his lego and crayons. Frodo went to bed for an hour to get over the trauma of being home.

We had a good time, staying in a place that had no vowels. It would've been a nightmare if we'd gotten lost. There was no way either of us could pronouce the village. *grin*

We traipsed around castles - Conwy and Harlech - and I took far too many photographs of stone, turrets, steps, towers and flags. Samwise enjoyed his first beach at Portmerion, happily disappearing into the distance with the comment 'I'm walking'.

On the last day we went to King Arthur's Labyrinth at Coris. It's an old slate mine. You cram into a barge and disappear into the mountain. It's black, cold and the water is 160 ft deep. Then you're taken through a maze of tunnels by a cloaked guide and shown scenes from the Mabinogion. Frodo loved it. Samwise wasn't so sure... But a dragon roared and blew smoke at him on the barge out... so that made up for the cave.

And if Berkley say yes to The Bone Magician's Daughter, there's a sword in one of the nearby craft shops with my name on it...
posted by Kim Knox at 12:34 pm 3 comments

08 April 2006

Another headless chicken day

I missed yesterday as it was another day of running about and general ironing. *sigh*

So my little blog will be quiet for the week... eek.

I'll be back the day that Billionaire is out, 15 April... but in the meantime here's the cover to look at, LOL.

And it's forecast rain, rain and yet more rain in the part of Wales I'm headed off to. Why should I be surprised ;-)
posted by Kim Knox at 9:17 am 1 comments

06 April 2006

The rush to holiday

I'm still two drum loads of washing away from being finished with the washing...

How do I have so much bloody washing??

I am trying to get every scrap of it done so I'll have a choice of clothes to take on holiday for all of us, rather than the standard faire, LOL But I'm moving into Day Three of the washing marathon and it's starting to get a tad boring now.

And tomorrow will be Ironing Day.

You can tell I haven't even thought about writing, can't you. Besides quick bursts of emails, this is the longest I've been on the web all day. And I'm starting to scare myself. I'll start to go into withdrawal soon *grin*

Now I have to go and wash the gunk off my head and hope my hair hasn't turned green or that it'll fall out in clumps. When I'm rich I'll be able to pay a professional to do it, rather than getting half way through it with The Ent, having a fight, and then me taking over ;-) Then again spending that amount of time in the hairdressers would be freaky scary. It's going to be bad enough tomorrow just getting it cut *sigh*

We had Frodo's parents' evening tonight. It was fairly positive - well compared to the last one ;-) . He and Samwise caused mayhem, then we went home.

I think the peroxide is seeping through to my brain.
posted by Kim Knox at 10:19 pm 5 comments

05 April 2006

Buying Mackenzie's Baby

... will now be available from

Samhain Publishing

on 6 June 2006

(they've had a bit of a rejig :-) )
posted by Kim Knox at 1:40 pm 0 comments

04 April 2006

Nimue's Price

...will be available from

Samhain Publishing

22 August 2006

*double grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 10:39 pm 2 comments

The Billionaire's Seduction

...will be available from
Triskelion Publishing

from 15 April *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 9:02 pm 0 comments

Almost forgot again

I've been running around like a mad thing all day. Prepping for a holiday, buying Hobbits' clothes, shoes for said holiday. Buying Samwise's birthday presents - since his birthday falls on the most shut day of the year LOL. Buying Frodo's present from Samwise.

And the worst thing. Booking an appointment for a haircut. On Friday.

I hate getting my hair cut. Hate it. I have terrible and unruly hair that confuses hairdressers and never looks the same after I've washed it, LOL

But Frodo finishes school half day on Friday and Grandma Gandalf will be here all afternoon. That should be enough time for the hairdreser to drag out the sickle... or on the more stubborn strands... the scythe... and set to work.

Writing: none done today.
posted by Kim Knox at 8:52 pm 0 comments

03 April 2006

Release date for Billionaire

... and the date looks like 15 April!

Cool - I'm back from Wales that day *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 1:52 pm 4 comments

02 April 2006

Wash out Sunday

I've done nothing today... well we went shopping for Samwise's birthday presents and bought Frodo a View Master. He has hypermobility, so it could help with this fingers, I think. It's fiddley but he does seem to be getting the hang of it. Shame they don't have left-handed ones. Now that would be really useful for him, LOL
posted by Kim Knox at 6:24 pm 4 comments

01 April 2006

Blurb is done

... well almost. I have two options, so I've sent them off in hope of guidance, LOL

But here's a definite part of it:

Muscles and mind straining, Inaeus hurled the
sword. Spell-thick steel buried itself deep into the monster’s

The Demon screamed down the night in its pain…

That should have been the end of it.

It wasn’t.

posted by Kim Knox at 7:03 pm 0 comments