18 November 2005
A shot at Paper
And my new revised, revised plan is to:
Finish the edits for Billionaire
Finish Reluctant
Snowflake Alchemy
I think I can safely say that NaNo is out the window. Too much cropped up for me to carry on. The first week was great but...
And that's probably the motto for most people. *grin*
17 November 2005
Saw an accountant today...
Scary, or what?
I found myself an accountant, chatted about stuff... and now they'll be doing my tax returns. And I had AUTHOR on my registration form.
That's been the coolest part of the day.
How completely sad am I? Strange thing is, I don't care. *grin*
15 November 2005
The horror that is NaNo...
I've made an appointment to see an accountant. Scary stuff. I have no money. I will *make* no money. But I have to splash on this to make sure that the Inland Revenue doesn't *take* money I really don't have.
Feeling antsy now. Must get Samwise ready and go pick up Frodo.
13 November 2005
I disappeared again...
Chapter three of Billionaire is edited and off. Chapter four should arrive tomorrow. Is it seven or eight chapters to go? I've not checked recently. And editing chapter eight is going to be *really* embarrassing, LOL.
I've sent a few queries on the contract for Buying Mackenzie's Baby and hopefully I'll hear back on those soon.
It's still weird. Two of the best stories I think I've written are going to be published. Well, best stories I've written *so far* I hope. I still think Reluctant is better still *grin* While Alchemy should really be put down quietly and humanely.
Then again, maybe it will improve...
Oh. A pig. Wow... Nice wings.
09 November 2005
Interrupting NaNo
They offered a contract on Buying Mackenzie's Baby.
I'll have *two* books waiting to be published.
How completely cool is that?
NaNo Diary - Day Seven, Eight and Nine
I have edits to do on Billionaire... and I wish that was the excuse for not writing Alchemy. But the story isn't grabbing me. I like the ideas. It's just the writing of it is really flat and there isn't something to grab me in the text.
I took the outline to my Creating Ficitional Worlds course. Most thought the idea was a good one. And the suggestion was to start the story earlier. So for next Monday, if not before, I have to write at least 1000 words - mainly telling the story of how Alesh witnessed the Sacrifice...
Should Fantasy Romance start with a gory description of a man having each part of his body dedicated to a Demon... and then being eaten?
Ah well... It is now.
07 November 2005
NaNo Diary - Day Five and Six
I managed to write a whole 100 words on Saturday. Yesterday I fiddled with the Snowflake and I'm now over 10k. But the Snowflake Outline has run out *waaah*. So I think the word rate will slow considerably. Also, I'm not that... keen... on the story at the minute. Something is missing, still. Maybe I need to weave a subplot in. Or there's something flawed with Alesh or Varo. Dunno. But I'll try to carry on writing.
I did get completely distracted last night though. Gunpower, Treason and Plot followed by Rome... Though I did start to get *really* tired of the 'ooh look Romans being rude!' scenes. I think a gratutious sex scene was averaging one every ten minutes. *Yawn*
Oh, and I started my edits for Billionaire on Saturday. Chapter One has been sent back to the editor. I'm getting it in chapter chunks, mainly not to feel overwhelmed. I'm waiting to see if it's okay and for the next installment. *bites nails*
04 November 2005
NaNo Diary - Day Four
Thanks to the joy of the Snowflake... All Hail the Snowflake... I'm up to 7130
That's about 3k today. *jaw drops*
It's coming in very short. I'm up to Chapter 4 already. And there is still something missing. But at least I'll have words to play with, rather than a blank page.
Favourite line of today:
A slash of sunlight caught his profile. Sharp. The feral grin. Dark fire burned in his eyes.
NaNo Diary
Day One.
In between Optician Appointments (yes, I'm still a mole...) and buying clothes for small Hobbitses I managed to write 1700 words for Alchemy. I have the first six chapters Snowflaked (that's coming in at over 5k, can you believe) so I'll work on that tonight after Stargate. Alesh is a much more rounded character. Definitely not so wishy-washy. Which is cool.
She's a liar, a thief and devoted to Varo. Cool
Hitting 3500 and about to start Chapter Two. I'll leave that for tomorrow. Now I'm going to read back over what I've written. The last 1k was like pulling teeth... Argh! I got another 1k written last night on the Snowflake. Its wierd writing this way. I'm almost writing the first and second draft concurrently, LOL
Favourite line of today:
Alesh smiled. “Thank you.”
Courtesy. That really annoyed them.
Didn't start writing today until 10.30pm - so the wordage was limited. Mainly because I couldn't keep my eyes open *sigh* So I got 700 done - which is better than a slap in the face with a wet fish. Just. Hitting 4200. And today I get to introduce Varo YAY.
The voice of the story isn't there yet. Something isn't quite geling about it. But must write on and see if I can find it.
Favourite Line:
The petulant voice of the Courtesan.
I'm having trouble finding lines that jump out; ones that I like. Shows the writing's a bit flat.
Ho hum
01 November 2005
I have excuses. I would. This is what the blog is all about, afterall.
Try... the Vomit Faerie, with her best pal, the Diarrhoea Gnome. Throw in the Flu Monster. Stir for about ten days... And you have my, Frodo, Samwise, Aragorn and Grandma Gandalf's life for the past couple of weeks.
I got three quarters of the way through Merlin. Still half way through Reluctant. But as today is the 1 November NaNoWriMo outranks everything. And Alchemy is at 1700 words. Woo Hoo. *grin*
It would be *so* cool if I could get to the end of November and be looking at 30k... I can only dream of the necessary NaNo 50k. But over a third of the way through a new ms in just a month... Bliss
Now I just have to write the bloody thing!