01 November 2005


Okay. I know I've been away along time.

I have excuses. I would. This is what the blog is all about, afterall.

Try... the Vomit Faerie, with her best pal, the Diarrhoea Gnome. Throw in the Flu Monster. Stir for about ten days... And you have my, Frodo, Samwise, Aragorn and Grandma Gandalf's life for the past couple of weeks.

I got three quarters of the way through Merlin. Still half way through Reluctant. But as today is the 1 November NaNoWriMo outranks everything. And Alchemy is at 1700 words. Woo Hoo. *grin*

It would be *so* cool if I could get to the end of November and be looking at 30k... I can only dream of the necessary NaNo 50k. But over a third of the way through a new ms in just a month... Bliss

Now I just have to write the bloody thing!
posted by Kim Knox at 6:52 pm


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