28 February 2007

I am here...

... and I will update my Roma adventure.
But first I have to get Chosen out the door, help with the Past Lies cover, which is coming along very nicely thank you, and rugby tackle edits for Past Lies too.

I thought I rubbed the copy clean when I sent it in, but there are 'D'uh!' mistakes that I simply didn't/couldn't see on the final sweep. I am sooo bad at seeing my own writing clearly, LOL

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posted by Kim Knox at 12:22 pm 3 comments

24 February 2007

Go and see this film...

And I'm sure The Ent or Impworks will have a more detailed and erudite explanation of why you should.
I say just go.
posted by Kim Knox at 12:03 am 2 comments

22 February 2007

Placing in the Preditors and Editors Poll!

I just checked the results in the Preditors and Editors Poll... and Buying Mackenzie's Baby placed #28!! Woo hoo.

I was stunned when someone nominated me for this (really, it wasn't me, LOL) and then enough people voted to get it into the top 30 books for 2006.

Beyond happy *grin*

Oh, and more on Rome soon. A certain Dragon story is playing havoc with my time at the minute *sigh*


posted by Kim Knox at 9:10 am 2 comments

20 February 2007

Coming soon...

Pesky plane germs are stopping me doing much of anything right now.

The saga that is Rome should resume tomorrow...


posted by Kim Knox at 9:26 pm 0 comments

18 February 2007

Wot I did on my holidays... *grin*

I really should have typed this up at the time, but the marathon walking sessions every daymade anything other than collapsing on the bed and sleeping almost impossible, LOL So here's what I can remember. And given that it was a week ago now and I have the memory of a thing with a very bad memory, it might not be that long. There may also be visual aids.

We escaped Runcorn with much cursing and a whopping delay of 15 minutes and headed south. We'd both only had about 3 hours sleep as we'd left everything to the last minute and then Samwise had decided that it would be a fantastic idea to throw up during the night, LOL Grandma Gandalf hadn't had much experience of the full Exorcist drama that could unfold. In the end, because this time he wasn't full of milk at bedtime, it was only a minor excursion into the land of vomit. Thankfully, there are no pictures of this.

We arrived at Heathrow at 9ish and sat about till 12.30.

Now I must admit that I am the worst flyer in the world. The absolute worst. I loathe it and haven't flown since 2000. So The Ent for most of the flight had a crushed hand and bruises on his arms where I clung to him as we hit turbuence. Also, for those insane people who fly more regularly than me, have you noticed how many aeroplanes there are in the sky? It's like flying in formation.

I survive the flight, and The Ent has regained feeling in his left arm. We trundle off to find the Leonardo Express to Termini Station. All of our information has been gleamed mid flight from our Rough Guide to Rome. See, not prepared at all, LOL

Our hotel, The Piranesi was just off the Piazza del Popolo. This I do have a picture of:

Well, that post was longer than expected... but it did get me to Rome. I have to stop now as a very wet Samwise has just trudged in from the garden. He, Frodo and The Ent have been washing the windows...
posted by Kim Knox at 3:35 pm 2 comments

16 February 2007

Rome not Runcorn!!

Last Sunday morning, long before dawn, we headed off to Heathrow... and got trapped in the maze of dead ends and one ways that is Runcorn.

It was not an indication of how the rest of the holiday was to go.

We had a blast. Here's a couple of piccies to be going on with and I'll write more tomorrow when I can actually keep my eyes open...
posted by Kim Knox at 7:28 pm 1 comments

10 February 2007

Daughters of Circe - Grand Opening!

posted by Kim Knox at 2:12 pm 0 comments

08 February 2007

Am I ready...?

...to go on holiday? No, I am not.

Well, I ready to go, as in, I need the time away to stare at ancient things and go 'oooh'. But have I sorted the house, the clothes... anything? That would be a big fat no.

Where does the time go in the day?

So... I'd better stop blogging and actually do something.
Oh, no, here's The Ent with hot chocolate because it's an insane -2C outside *brrr*

Another night written off, LOL


posted by Kim Knox at 8:50 pm 0 comments

07 February 2007

Vote for me. You know you want to... ;-)

Buying Mackenzie's Baby is up for 'Book of the Month: March' at Sensual Reads! *squeeeeeee*

Isn't that nice of them? *grin*

Here's the voting link:

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posted by Kim Knox at 4:24 pm 0 comments

06 February 2007

Snow, Snow, Snow...

...a whole half inch of it. At least it got Samwise wanting to get to Pre-school this morning, LOL All that snow was just too tempting to run through. *grin*

This is the view from my front room window... you can just make out the millemetres of white stuff, LOL


posted by Kim Knox at 10:03 am 0 comments

03 February 2007

Another bad blog month

Where did the month go... and what the hell was I doing? LOL

Mostly, I've been trying to write a dragon story. It's a 'carving it in stone with a wet noodle' sort of effort. Not fun at the minute.

Oh as The Ent reported on his blog, Frodo is learning to read. I can't tell you how very important this is, LOL. He seems to have broken through the 'this is too hard' barrier and is enjoying the very simple books his school supplies to read at home. We've found him on his bed, reading them to himself! *grin*

He has an assessment in March. To go to a language unit, we have to prove that there is a large gap between his abilities and his language development. Learning to read has to prove that gap is huge.

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posted by Kim Knox at 9:46 pm 0 comments