28 November 2006

I'm so slack... *sigh*

I've been a blog slacker again, haven't I?

I got caught up in the mad dash to christmas, honest. Oh, and needing to sleep.

But all of the presents are bought - except for a few The Ent has to buy for his step dad and for me, obviously. I even spent a mad Tuesday last week wrapping them all. Forty presents wrapped in 2hours 15 minutes. Has to be some sort of record, surely.

Grandma Gandalf gave us all money for Christmas... so much better than going 'OMG, what is *that*?' which we do every year with The Ent's family *snicker*

No. Honest. They're lovely. Whatever they are.

So I bought books. There's a surprise. Lots and lots of books. I was a woman possessed in Borders. The Ent has a CD player thingy that would be on its why from Essex anytime now. It's a present from all of us, so he can justify the expense, hehe. And Frodo and Samwise have more toys that you can shake a really big stick at.

Other than that I don't think I've been doing anything else. But then my mind is usually a blank if I try to think as far back as yesterday *sigh*

Of to see Casino Royale tomorrow. So I'll probably have a rant about that.

Torchwood: It's not growing on me. Captain Jack becomes more shiny and plastic as the weeks roll on. Maybe he's an auton? That would be a nice ending, as they melt him done and turn him into six pinters.

Stargate 200 episode: All's anyone can say is, had its moments... but didn't RDA look like he was at death's door? Again.

Off to sort out Varo. I'll update NaNo later. I'm all blogged out...
posted by Kim Knox at 12:50 pm 1 comments

19 November 2006

Torchwood... argh!

I enjoyed tonight's episode... but for people watching on Wednesday, please can you point me in the direction of the sf element in his story??

And Owen? Puh-lease? Deeply unattactive, much? *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 10:57 pm 3 comments

17 November 2006

I've been writing...

...I know, shocking isn't it.

But it hasn't been that much, if that's any consolation *grin*

My mind is oddly blank about the past few days. I could tell, you in detail, what's been happening to Alesh and Varo, but my real life is vague.

I went to my other, other writing group last night. We all wrote a page of drama. Mine was pants, LOL Next week it's poems. 4 lines and 8 lines. I think I may be giving the Vogons a run for their money. A poet I am not, LOL

Oh, and I meant to rant earlier about this week's episode of Torchwood.

Anyone want to enlighten me as to what the hell the episode was about, besides showing again that they were post-watershed? I was completely and utterly confused. Something about the episode felt... disjointed.

And the end? The uncaring stepdad gets a Faerie fist shoved down his throat, Captain Jack gives away the daughter... and then they all troop back to the souped-up 4x4 and leave the distraught woman in her back garden... WTF?

Next week's one looks better, though. *shrug* Here's hoping.

Anyway. NaNo link is here:

posted by Kim Knox at 9:47 pm 6 comments

14 November 2006

In the post

The sub to Tor Paranormal is in the post.

With some rather lovely IRCs. So much nicer than the old ones. I'll have to hunt out a picture. It's Michaelangelo's The Creation of Adam with a splash of gold where the fingers almost touch. Cool


Forgot my NaNo update:

posted by Kim Knox at 4:27 pm 0 comments

Joyous spam

I just got spam from Phaedrus Pancake... sorry, that's me completely gone, LOL
posted by Kim Knox at 11:55 am 0 comments

12 November 2006

The Bone Magician's Daughter...

...Berkley said... No.

Got some nice feedback, though.

So printing it out and popping a partial of to Tor Paranormal *grin*

Oh and here's my NaNo update:

posted by Kim Knox at 11:28 pm 8 comments

11 November 2006

7% and Rising...

is a YES!

Much *squeeeee-age* in my house when I got the email this afternoon, LOL

This story is one of the special ones. One of the ones I had to plug away at to get it finished.

I'm a very happy camper today. *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 10:30 pm 3 comments

10 November 2006

Picking covers...

Time to decide on a cover for Past Lies...

I'm lucky. I get to have an imput into what goes on the front of my books. However, now it comes to it, my mind goes a complete and utter blank.

Time to trawl the web for inspiration, LOL

Oh and here're are my nano updates for the past few days:

posted by Kim Knox at 11:41 pm 0 comments

06 November 2006

Nothing to see here, move along, please...

Do what the nice man says. *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 9:59 pm 2 comments

05 November 2006

Remember, remember the fifth of November...

... and no it's not just a line from V for Vendetta, LOL

Frodo went with The Ent to the local park for his first big fireworks display. Samwise was more than happy to go to bed and cuddle his teddy bears.

A good time was had by all and they returned - well, The Ent walked back from the park with Frodo on his shoulders. Took him about half an hour.

I tried to Nano with limited success. There were major distractions from the television. Torchwood being one. Boromir getting punched full of Uruk-hai arrows, being the other.

Anyway, the update is here:

posted by Kim Knox at 11:53 pm 0 comments

04 November 2006

And I'm exhausted

We made it to the Spaceport by mid afternoon and bimbled around the place for a good couple of hours. Frodo loved the Planetarium. It had asteroids, which he adores, LOL

The Doctor Who exhibition was cool. Samwise thought the Dalek was fab and had no fear when its eye-stalk fixed on him and said Exterminate! LOL Frodo was a little more cautious - but was happy to have his picture taken in front of it. The Cyberman went down well too.

It took an age to get back, though. We missed the ferry, the other was late and then it did a river trip... Argh. Took us 3 hours to get home. *sigh*

Anyway my small NaNo update is here:

posted by Kim Knox at 9:41 pm 1 comments

03 November 2006

I really should be cleaning...

We have visitors tomorrow and, as usual, or house is a bombsite.

I had a blitz-tidy earlier in the week and most things have a home downstairs now. Well, except when Frodo and Samwise discover all the things I've hidden and drag them out again *sigh*

I NaNo'd again today - three days in a row - has to be record. The update us here:

I emailed the editor who has 7% and Rising and I should have a decision by this time next week. Eep...
posted by Kim Knox at 4:23 pm 0 comments

02 November 2006

Early morning trip

The Ent had to start work extra early today so I have the joy of taking Frodo to school.

It wasn't too bad, as he goes to Breakfast Club, which meant the buses were fairly empty. Samwise walked, which was easier than me lugging the pram on and off the various buses. It had the extra benefit of when he got in, and had stuffed his face and watched a bit of Aladdin, he wanted to go to sleep. Yay

I got my Nano quota up while he did. *grin*

Here's the update:
posted by Kim Knox at 12:25 pm 0 comments

01 November 2006

We did the Hallowe'en thing...

Frodo and Samwise were a bit reluctant to get dressed up. It's the first year of doing this, and I think they were a bit non-plussed about why their mother was forcing them to be a spider and a skeleton pirate.

Though going to bed in them seemed a good idea. And this morning, Frodo wanted to go to school in his costume. So a minor success, I think.

Today is also the first day of NaNoWriMO. That's being updated here:

posted by Kim Knox at 11:17 am 0 comments