10 September 2006

Weddings and BBQs

A generally busy weekend.

A wedding that's been a long time in coming, finally happened. A friend who I worked with in Mordor tied the knot here. Frodo and Samwise belted about for roughly twelve hours in the extensive grounds, finding every dangerous place that they could. The electrical cable hidden under the bushes, the half formed pond, the busy road...

It was odd to see everyone again after five years away. Most of the people have moved on from PwC and it was a time warp for them.

The weather held out and we could spend the day outside - mostly chasing Frodo and Samwide (see above *grin*)

Coming back this afternoon, we got invited to a neighbour's BBQ as we got out of the car. Frodo had a sleep - he was totally knackered - then we went out again, with much grumbling from said Frodo. He lounged on a couch, until conveniently getting a second wind when he saw the trampoline in the garden. Bouncing ensued.

Samwise learned the valuable leason against an attacker with a long sword. He got in close with with his short sword, thus negating his opponent's advantage...

I'm a bad mother, aren't I?

7% and Rising is with my editor. About a two month's wait to see if she likes it or not, LOL.

Time to work on something else. *grin*
posted by Kim Knox at 9:38 pm


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