25 September 2006

Past Lies

I worked out a method for writing longer stories... I've probably been doing it for a while, but it's only just become conscious. I'm a gut-writer. I plan out what's going to happen, but often have no idea how it will all tie together. That it does is often a great surprise to me, LOL

Anyway, Past Lies is storming to the end. And again I'm having trouble. So I did what I did with The Bone Magician's Daughter. I went back and began to tie up every lose end, write in and research every point where I'd left an asterisk - usually with the words *insert sex scene here* hehe So the ms will be totally clean and I'll have a rounded view of the motives and state of the characters in the big end moment.

Seems to be working. I have the big *cough* scene to write in (doing that today) a couple of flashbacks that tieing it all up created and then I'll be ready to write the end.

I do the ** in the text because sometimes I'll just lose momentum if I have to write something difficult. I learnt it from NaNoWriMo last year, I realised. Write a comment and move on.

So... Past Lies should be done with soon. I hope to sub the full thing... but looking at it now, realistically... the partial to my editor this week. (My editor -still a little *squee* moment)

She's off on a cruise, lucky thing, and is taking stories to read.

And now I'm back to rather rude goings on, first thing on a Monday morning.

It's such a hard life ;-)
posted by Kim Knox at 10:00 am


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