27 June 2006

Well the title of that last post was a lie...

I'm still haven't quite shook of this cold. *grrr* It absolutely will not shift!

I've been battling away with Bone Magician. I'm at 78k ( I think) so I have about 15k to go, if not a bit more. Which is cool. I wanted it done by the end of June. Might not happen, but it will be finished soon. Hurrah.

Interesting thing of the day...

I was watching Mind Shock on Channel 4 about heart transplants. The theory is that for about 10% of donor recipients, they get the memories, attitudes and appitudes of their donors. How strange is that? Stranger still, is that the heart has its own brain and in tests is the first part of us to react to stimuli, the brain kicking in second.

Looks like the Egyptians were right to keep the heart and whisk the brain...

Fascinating stuff. The Ent slept through all of it, only waking up when I turned over and a bimbo was having a plastic surgeon implant a chin and give her an eyebrow lift. Not exactly on the same level really, LOL
posted by Kim Knox at 12:05 am


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