14 May 2006

I'm a very bad blogger. Sorry

This week has been a bit crazy.

It started off with good intentions to attack the latest edits of Mackenzie... but then my body went into free all and I began to swell up like a balloon and just ache, LOL I couldn't sit at my desk without my feet and hands bloating to twice their normal size. I'm blaming the heat.

Fast forward to Thursday and I finally got going on my edits and finished them late last night. YAY. They've been shot into the ether and I await word on the next round.

Meanwhile, I'm back to Bone Magician and deep into chapter three. I'm also going to start looking at Alchemy again. I need to push that along if I want to sub it by September.

And finally... I entered the Romance Junkies Writing Contest. After last year's debacle, LOL, I'm not saying what story or what name I entered under.

So there, hehe

...back to Fen and her melting corpses...
posted by Kim Knox at 1:42 pm


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